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Over the past decade there has been a consistent and notable upward trend in mini-grid installations globally. Installations are over six times higher compared with 2018. This growth, particularly notable in sub-Saharan Africa, underscores the increasing recognition of mini-grids as a feasible solution for electrification in remote areas.
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The study examines how prepaid metering systems in Ghana’s urban poor communities exacerbate energy poverty due to affordability and reliability issues, suggesting the need for a redefined energy access approach and increased investment in renewable energy.
Financial justice for emerging markets is a huge problem and one that will not be solved by more collaborative impact standards on their own. But they will certainly help demonstrate that impact investment markets are not only high integrity, but also highly effective.
The ILO STRENGTHEN2 project is conducting employment impact assessments of investments in sub-Saharan Africa to promote the creation of more and better jobs. This report presents an employment impact assessment (EmpIA) of the second phase of the Green Mini-Grid Facility Programme in Kenya.
A cohort of women in solar business completed several course.
A target of skilling at least 300 female middle level managers drawn from different solar companies in Uganda will be meet before end of year, according to the sub sector highlights.
The rise of decentralised renewable energy (DRE) systems in Africa has brought about an increased deployment of batteries, particularly lead-acid batteries, which are the most used battery-type on the continent. As production volumes soar, the issue of sustainable battery recycling has come to the forefront.
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Most utilities in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) are in dire financial straits, unable to invest in system expansion and refurbishing, maintain existing networks, or even connect new customers. The financing requirement and investment gap is too large and lags other regions of the world, constraining the achievement of outcomes like universal access.
It won’t be enough for wealthy countries to usher in their own energy transitions if energy-poor countries develop their economies through fossil fuels. The world needs to close the Green Power Gap.


Dr. Harald Schützeichel

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