
More households in Kitgum district turn to solar products-Report

The Utilization of solar products for domestic and commercial purposes by households in Kitgum District has increased, according to the District Local Government achievement report for the last five years.

The report presented by the outgoing Kitgum District Chairperson Jackson Omona shows a total of 13,188 households were by the end of last year using off-grid solar products for lighting and other uses. It equally showed an increment of solar usage in the district by more than ten times from the 2,041 households surveyed in 2016 that were found to be using solar energy in rural and urban areas.

Although the total number of electricity consumers in 2018 increased by 14.6 per cent from 1,372,166 consumers to 1,572,605 consumers in 2019 according to the Uganda Bureau of Statistics-UBOS 2020 statistical abstract, 28 per cent of the population still have no access to electricity.

Read more: The Independent


