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One project, RIMDIR, is a $16 million grant from the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) and concerns rural electrification for 40 localities in south-eastern Mauritania. It involves the installation of hybrid mini photovoltaic power plants combining a photovoltaic park and a back-up electricity generator.
The AfDB has approved a €14.42 million grant towards the RIMDIR Mini Grid Electrification Project in Mauritania. The grant from the AfDB’s Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA) is meant to facilitate the electrification of 40 local communities. It will do so by establishing 7 mini-grids in the southeast region of Mauritania.
Climate disasters have crippled Mauritania in recent years, but improving access to healthcare and more so electricity, could help mitigate such risks, the IMF suggests. The Mauritanian government is working to expand its electricity supply and encourage investment in the renewable energy sector, with the aim of reaching universal access by 2030.
A new study shows that solar may help reduce water pumping costs in a desert oasis of Mauritania by more than 300%, while also considerably reducing water losses.
The government of the Islamic Republic of Mauritania is inviting interested bidders to submit sealed bids for the supply and installation of solar electricity in three separate lots.

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Renewable Energy Opportunities for Mauritania