The French Agency for Ecological Transition (ADEME) and the Alliance for Rural Electrification (ARE) have entered into a partnership to promote and provide market intelligence on productive use of energy, as well as advance renewable and reliable electricity for essential services in Benin, Cameroon and Madagascar.
Targeting these countries, the partners will carry out the following activities:
- a market study on decentralised renewable energy (DRE) equipments for productive use,
- a technical guide for rural healthcare facility electrification, and
- an awareness campaign on DRE deployment for productive use in rural communities.
Currently, the rate of access to electricity in rural areas is 6.6% in Benin, 24% in Cameroon and about 5% in Madagascar. However, all three countries have significant local renewable energy sources. Benin has a high rate of sunshine all year round and can favour the production of electricity via solar energy. Cameroon has a huge potential for hydroelectricity thanks to its five watersheds, to which a significant potential in biomass and solar can be added as well. Madagascar also has a strong potential for solar, biomass and hydropower.
The three activities that ARE aims to carry out with the support of ADEME are in line with the approach of promoting reliable, sustainable, modern and affordable renewable energies while taking into account the specificities of each country.
David Lecoque, CEO of ARE stressed: “At ARE, we consider renewable electrification, economic development, through productive uses of energy, and climate as intricately-linked topics that must be addressed holistically. That is why we are thrilled to enter into this partnership with ADEME to jointly support the development of a sustainable and inclusive private sector-driven DRE sector in Benin, Cameroon, and Madagascar, contributing to improved access to clean, modern and affordable electricity, including for essential services such as health care facilities.”
Philippe Masset, Director Europe & International of ADEME confirms: “At ADEME, we have been working in the field of sustainable energy access for more than 30 years alongside our partners on innovative projects. In this line, we are delighted to be able to support ARE in this project, which will strengthen local welfare and socio-economic development by working on two key elements linked to access to sustainable energy: the health sector and the productive uses of energy.”