
Record! More than 1,000 members in the Sun-Connect company database

Sun-Connect News now offers the worldwide largest database of off-grid companies: More than 1,000 companies are already listed as member! This emphasizes the value of the database as a unique resource for project developers, NGOs, manufacturers and investors.

The off-grid company database especially allows small companies in developing countries to become visible. Our member companies mainly are based in developing countries:


Join our database!

Four reasons why companies should become a member of the database:

  1. Your company is visible for potential investors.
    More and more investors are searching for interesting off-grid companies to invest in. Make your company visible for more investments!
  2. Your company can be found by manufacturers who are looking for local distributors.
    The increasing number of off-grid products manufacturers requires a growing number of local distributors. As a member of the Sun-Connect database, you get the opportunity to present yourself as partner.
  3. You get attractive advantages from Sun-Connect News.
    We publish an interview with one representative about your company, twitter your job postings, publish your press releases – and provide discounts for advertisement on Sun-Connect News webpage.
  4. Your company presents itself to NGOs and other organizations as partner for local projects.
    International and local organizations need partners for energy projects in order to import, install and/or maintain products. With a record in the Sun-Connect Database it will be easier for your business to canvass new customers.


