In Sub-Saharan Africa, communities are facing the current pandemic without access to electricity. Access to reliable electricity provides healthcare facilities with better services by acquiring and optimally utilizing electrical medical equipment and accessing basic facility requirements (i.e., ventilators, vaccine refrigerators, water, etc.). In many cases, data on remote communities and access to essential services, such as the electrification status of health facilities, is scarce or scattered. Thus, geospatial analysis is an important tool for decision makers as it helps identify opportunities and guide the prioritization of funds and investments aimed at building communities that are better prepared to manage potential health, climate, and environmental risks.
In Uganda, the World Resources Institute, in collaboration with Ministry of Health and the Energy Sector GIS Working Group, is drawing on geospatial analysis from the Energy Access Explorer (EAE) tool to better understand where remote populations are located and could help prioritize electrification of health facilities based on location specific parameters. Our initial analyses have yielded insights on where the unserved and underserved health care facilities may be and on ways to introduce more targeted investment which can support the development of more resilient communities.
This article explores how the unique functions and analyses available through EAE can help the Ministry of Health in Uganda assess the best options for providing reliable electricity to healthcare facilities through an integrated, data-driven approach to planning.