
Business tool: What to do when a customer has a problem?

Provided by GSES, Content Partner for the Sendea Business Tools
Unfortunately many businesses do not want to know the customer after they have made the sale. They have made their profit and do want any of the problems associated with equipment and system failure. They provide terrible back-up service.
This obviously reflects badly on their company BUT unfortunately this has happened a lot in the solar industry and that has reflected badly on the whole industry.
We believe that providing good customer service is the best way to ensure the long-term viability of your business. You should treat every system failure and customer problem as an opportunity for you to provide excellent customer service and keep that customer happy.
Problems will occur and in general most customers understand this. What annoys the customer even more then the problem occurring is no or poor service from the company that they have bought the system from. If the company treats the problem seriously and solves the problem as quickly as possible then the majority of customers will still do business with that company.

Read the full article here.
